Harness the sun's power with our bespoke solutions.

Your trusted solar energy provider for homes & businesses. Harness the sun's power with our tailored solutions. Reduce costs, shrink your carbon footprint, and embrace a sustainable future.

Why choose Solar Boost?

Maximise your solar energy potential with Solar Boost.

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Customised Solutions for Your Property

Our team of experts works closely with you to assess your energy needs, evaluate your site's solar potential, and design a solar system that maximises energy generation and financial returns.

We will take into account physical variables in solar system design such as roof shading, North, East, South & West facing roofs, solar curves, distance to coast, wind strengths, elevation, height, roof pitch and also look at your energy needs in order to produce a bespoke solar system.

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Industry-Leading Solar Panels

We recommend using ‘Tier 1’ solar panel manufacturers such as Canadian Solar, JA, Longi & Jinko to maximise efficiency and durability, converting sunlight into clean, renewable electricity for your home or business. but if your have a preferred brand we will look into them and advise you on their suitability.

Solar Panel manufacturers usually give a 25 year warranty with their products and offer various output guarantees. We will advise you on the warranties of various manufacturers.

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Optimised System Performance

Our advanced inverters and power optimisation solutions maximize your energy production and system performance.

Inverters efficiently convert DC power from solar panels into usable AC power while minimizing losses. Optimisers at panel (module) level allow individual monitoring of each panel and reduces whole array reduction in power production. Without optimisers one faulty or shaded panel can reduce power production for all of the panels on a string.

Cutting-Edge Battery Storage

Store excess solar energy during the day and utilise it during periods of high demand or grid outages. Our batteries provide backup power and greater energy independence for your property.

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Monitoring and Control

Track energy production, monitor system performance, and optimise energy usage with our intuitive monitoring and control systems.

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Seamless Integration

Our solar systems seamlessly integrate with your property's electrical infrastructure, adhering to safety standards and minimising disruption for smooth residential or commercial integration.

We are trusted and certified energy installers

Substitute Fossil Fuel and start your renewable energy journey today.

Contact our friendly team today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards harnessing the power of the sun to power your home.